Compliance at Seeberger

A guide for responsible conduct

At Seeberger, we are not only deeply committed to complying with laws and guidelines, but also to creating an atmosphere of closeness and trust in which everyone feels welcome and safe. Accordingly, compliance is more than just an obligation for us – it is an expression of our commitment to integrity and fairness.

Our compliance principles

Icon zu gesetzlichen Vorgaben: Buch mit Paragraph und darüberstehender Weltkugel

Compliance with legal requirements

We take our responsibility to society seriously and strictly comply with all national and international laws and regulations that affect our work.

Icon zu Wettbewerbsverhalten: Händeschütteln und darüberstehende Waage

Fair competitive conduct

At Seeberger, we believe in fair competition and work to combat corruption, bribery and unfair agreements.

Icon zu Integrität: Aufgeklapptes Buch mit Lupe

Integrity and transparency

Our corporate culture is characterised by openness and honesty. Our actions are transparent and comprehensible because we know that trust is the foundation of any good relationship.

Icon zu Wettbewerbsverhalten: Drei Menschen mit darüberstehender Waage

Respect for human rights

We respect human rights along our entire supply chain and foster a working environment characterised by diversity and respect.

You can find out more about our compliance principles and corporate values and how we put them into practice in our Code of Conduct.

Our Compliance Management System (CMS)

Our Compliance Management System is the backbone of our commitment to compliance. It ensures that our principles are applied in all areas of the company. Our compliance organisation ensures our business practices always meet the highest standards, offers training and support for employees and monitors compliance with legal provisions.

Our whistle-blower system

At Seeberger, it is important to us to identify and resolve potential compliance violations promptly. That’s why we set up a whistle-blower system, which you can use to report all issues and information – openly, anonymously and directly. Your concerns are important to us, and we ensure your dialogue with us is confidential and safe.

It’s easy to report something: just click on the “Report incident” button. Once your message has been sent, an anonymous postbox is automatically created on the portal. You can access this using the “Case postbox” button. This makes it easier for us to communicate with you, especially if there are any follow-up questions – and without endangering your anonymity.

Our Rules of Procedure explain how we deal with information and complaints in more detail.

You can also contact us by other means:

By email:

By phone: +49(0) 731 40 93 20 10

Or by post:
Seeberger GmbH
FAO: Compliance Office
Hans-Lorenser-Str. 36
89079 Ulm

We are here to listen to you and to review any information carefully. Help us to identify wrongdoing early on. With your help we can ensure our integrity and reliability and thereby our success.