Drohnenaufnahme mit Blick auf große Plantage und Straße, die hindurchführt

Quality from beginning to end

Corporate supply chain responsibility at Seeberger

Taking responsibility, fair partnerships and respect for people and nature are firmly embedded in our corporate values. We want to keep a close eye on every nut, every fruit and every coffee bean on its way from the source to Ulm. A principle we’ve been following for more than 175 years. That’s how we make sure that our products are produced in compliance with human rights and environmental protection.

The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) was passed in Germany in June 2021. It requires companies to consider their supply chains in terms of human rights and environmental risk factors and to address any violations. From 2023, the LkSG applies to companies with at least 3,000 employees. It will also apply to companies with at least 1,000 employees within Germany from 2024.

At Seeberger, we believe that companies should take responsibility for their supply chain regardless of their size or the legal requirements.

Supply chain transparency

Guarantee transparency
with our annual transparency and comprehensive risk analyses, we want to understand and value the supply chain for each of our products and its source country. This is the key requirement in identifying human rights or environmental violations in the first place.
Create commitment:
what we expect is clearly expressed in our Conditions of Purchase. We’ve also initiated a public whistle-blower system, which enables us to identify any disparity in the supply chain and deal with it promptly.
Expanding partnerships:
we see our business partnerships not only as transactions, but also as the foundation of our company. We insist, whenever possible, on direct contact with our suppliers rather than long, complex and convoluted supply chains. We’re continually working to develop and strengthen our partnerships with all suppliers.

Goals along our supply chain by 2025

Icon zu Transparenzanalyse: Megaphon mit darüber stehender Spechblase

Carry out our transparency analysis and risk analysis annually and introduce a public complaint system.

Icon zu Einkaufsbedingungen: Einkaufskorb und Kreislaufsymbol mit Haken

Create commitment by applying our binding Conditions of Purchase.

Icon zu Partnerschaften: Händeschütteln und Weltkugel

Create added value locally by increasing direct contact and expanding our partnerships.

Responsible procurement: Supplier management at Seeberger

Our Sustainability Guidelines have been an integral part of our Conditions of Purchase since 2012. We use Seeberger supplier monitoring to check whether and how they are being complied with. This consists of complementary blocks that influence and improve each other during the process. Accordingly, we identify risks quicker and can react appropriately. Supplier monitoring helps us to keep developing and improving processes and to demonstrate that we are performing our due diligence.

Modules of Seeberger supplier monitoring

Icon zu Einkaufsbedingungen: Einkaufskorb mit Kreislaufsymbol

Seeberger conditions of Purchase & sustainabilty guidelines:

Binding contractual element for all Seeberger suppliers.

Icon zu Transparenzanalyse: Seeberger Blättchen mit darüberliegender Lupe

Seeberger transparency analysis:

The transparency analysis evaluates by levels relating to where we procure our products and how far we can trace them. The result is fed into the risk analysis.

Icon zu Risikoanalyse: Ordner mit darüberstehendem Warnsymbol mit Ausrufezeichen

Data-based Risk analysis (in progress):

Evaluation of generic data sources for social and ecological risks in Seeberger supplier countries and regions.

Icon zu Lieferanten-Fragebögen: Blatt Papier mit Häkchen und Stift

Supplier Questionaire:

Digitised questionnaires* for self-reporting by suppliers. They have long been used to develop an individual sustainability index for suppliers. These results are also fed into the risk analysis.

Icon zu persönlichem Kontakt: Händeschütteln

Personal contact:

Buying trips and recent trips in the context of the BioVal research project, personal contact at trade fairs, on visits to Ulm or at conferences. Information from the supplier questionnaires is checked at random using checklists* on visits to the source country.

* Fed into the risk analysis

Supply chain milestones –
achievements so far

since 1965
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For over 70 years, we’ve been going on source country visits to our partners, who grow nuts, fruits and coffee of the best quality for us. From Canada to California, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Nicaragua, to Portugal, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Slovenia, Turkey and Vietnam. We travel all over the world.


Since 2012, we’ve had Sustainability Guidelines that are an integral part of our Conditions of Purchase.

Icon zu Meilenstein Befragung Lieferanten:

We’ve been carrying out a regular survey of our suppliers since 2016 and constantly update our questionnaire. This provides us with insights into the social and ecological impact of our business.

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Since 2021, we’ve been establishing our transparency analyses, in order to create a systematic record of where and how we are buying direct, and in 2022 we gained our first insights into transparency levels in our Retail and Professional business areas.

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Since 2022, we’ve been focusing more heavily on potential risks relating to working conditions, environmental protection or human rights in the producing countries. As soon as we identify risks, we initiate steps to investigate them more closely and evaluate them.

Geschäftsführer Ralph Beranek und Einkäufer stehen vor Cashewbaum

Our commitment in Africa

From macadamias to cashews – thanks to close partnerships like in Ivory Coast or Ghana, we’re not only procuring high-quality products, but also strengthening the local economy and ensuring sustainable development.

Learn more

Blühende Apfelplantage in Slowenien

Our involvement in the “BioVal” research project

Biodiversity in food production and cultivation: how can protection for biodiversity be increased along our supply chain? We’re starting an innovative journey in the “BioVal” project alongside renowned practical partners and scientific institutions. We’re starting an innovative journey in the “BioVal” project alongside renowned practical partners and scientific institutions.

Learn more