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Gruppe von Menschen sitzt auf Holztreppe in modernem Gebäude und unterhält sich.

Pleasure from tradition -
Responsibility for the future

What drives us

Our goal is to supply natural luxury products of the best possible quality. Every day we ensure that our quality claim is visible not only in our products, but also in our daily interactions and our commitment to people and nature. Our actions are thus shaped by ecological sensitivity and social responsibility.

Seeberger values

Frau mit Haarnetz begutachtet Seeberger Walnüsse in einem Labor-Umfeld.

Quality awareness

Our quality is not only what distinguishes us, but also what drives us. From product processing to personal support for our business customers, we work daily to improve the status quo – so that we’ll still be able to share our indulgent natural products with you in 100 years.

Zwei Personen lächeln beim Ernten von Pflanzen in einem grünen Garten.


Responsible action is part of our company’s foundation: for Earth, our employees and partners and our region around Ulm. Alongside clear sustainability goals, we work to conserve nature, guaranteeing fair working conditions and creating secure jobs.

Ein Mann im weißen Kittel lächelt, während er mit einer sitzenden Frau spricht.


Appreciation and communication on an equal footing shape our corporate culture. We appreciate the diversity of perspectives because they lead to better solutions and ultimately to better products. That’s why respect, fairness and equality of opportunity are underlying principles for us. Indeed, they are the essence of a family company.

Eine lächelnde Person fährt einen Gabelstapler in einem Lager voller Kartons.


We’re actively facing the challenges of the future, but remaining loyal to our roots and values. Our focus is on future-oriented innovations. That’s why we’re working with people who dare to question the status quo and consider things in new ways – who knuckle down and resolutely drive ideas forward.

Seeberger in numbers


million euros Turnover

> 0

Countries of origin of our products

> 0

Seeberger products

Historische Zeichnung vom Ulmer Marktplatz

Seeberger history: A success story
at the business location Ulm

From the colonial goods store founded in Ulm in 1844, we’ve become Europe’s leading brand for natural luxury products. We are convinced: if you want to take unknown paths in the future, you can’t lose sight of your roots.

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Das Seeberger Gebäude hat Solarpanels auf dem Dach und liegt in einer sonnigen Industrielandschaft.

The Seeberger Group: Medium-sized company with a vision for future generations

Whether we’re negotiating new Conditions of Purchase with suppliers, buying energy-efficient lighting systems for our production facilities, adjusting machine processes or travelling to work by JobBike: sustainability is firmly anchored in our day-to-day work – for people and nature.

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Gütezeichen der FBW Fördergemeinschaft für Qualitätsprodukte aus Baden Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg brand quality

Ulm has been our home since 1844 – in the heart of the Baden-Württemberg region. As a member of the FBW Association for Quality Products from Baden-Württemberg, we’re working to create and preserve jobs and training positions in the region. Our products, made in Ulm, do include raw ingredients from all over the world, but they all have one thing: a piece of Baden-Württemberg luxury tradition. Within the association we’re helping to maintain variety and food production, by supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in the region. Find out more about our commitment at

Logo der Seeberger Innovationsregion Ulm

Innovation Region Ulm

Since our founding in 1844, we’ve been firmly rooted in Ulm and, as a founding member of Innovation Region Ulm, we’ve been working with around 90 other members to strengthen our home since 1998. Whether from politics, education or business – we all share the goal of showcasing the appeal of our region and inspiring others to learn, live and work here. We play an active role in creating the best conditions, so the Ulm Innovation Region can continue to grow and thrive. You can find out more about the work and goals of this initiative at

Drei Kinder halten Hände in Wassereimer

Sternschnuppen für Kinder

With heart and hand for the future: in 2014 managing director and owner Clemens Keller and his wife Alexandra set up a private, independent foundation, which expresses their deep-rooted sense of social responsibility. With a focus on themes relating to agriculture and nutrition, “Sternschnuppen für Kinder” realises funding projects that help people to help themselves – for a sustainably improved livelihood and a promising future.

To the foundation page