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Where tradition meets innovation:
Seeberger company history


Historische Gründungsurkunde 1844

A foundation for the future

Merchant Christoph Seeberger opens his eponymous colonial goods store on 6 October 1844 in Ulm’s old town, initially selling tea, coffee and exotic spices from overseas. The foundation stone is laid for the Seeberger success story.


Historische Abbildung vom Ulmer Marktplatz

Coffee for all

Coffee is enjoying a real boom in the mid-19th century thanks to affordable prices, even finding its way into the cups of the less well-off. Seeberger’s son Friedrich sees this opportunity and, from then on, produces Seeberger coffee in his own large roasting plant in the best spot on Ulm’s main square, Marktplatz.


Porträtfoto Julius Rohm

Time of upheaval in Seeberger’s history

After the difficult war years and with the death of Friedrich Seeberger, Julius Rohm takes over the business from the Seeberger family. At this point, the warehouse only holds a few sacks of lentils and salt of hartshorn. Rohm quickly travels to Hamburg and is able to acquire sixty bales of raw coffee thanks to personal contacts. He reinvigorates the coffee roasting business, but also continues with the grocery business, which has kept Seeberger alive through the Second World War, for a few more years.


Historisches Foto von Seeberger Lager

Only the best

The family company has survived for over a century, enduring two world wars, food shortages and famines – although only a few employees are left. In 1952 Seeberger can finally refocus on its core business: importing high-quality coffee varieties, dried fruits and nuts from all over the world. The clear emphasis on top quality in these product sectors is the basis for steady expansion over the next few decades.


Porträtfoto_ Dr. Rohm

A new era begins in Seeberger's history

Seeberger is growing: with 134 employees, new markets and an in-house food chemistry lab, the company’s turnover is steadily increasing. And a new era has also begun with a change of generation at the Seeberger helm. The economist Dr Julius Rohm, son of Julius Rohm, takes over the management and continues to drive the company’s expansion forward.


Historische Foto von Seeberger Mitarbeitenden

Everyone profits here

Every individual who contributes to the commercial recovery and success story of the family company counts at Seeberger. From now on, the whole team profit from the new employee participation model. This is expanded in 1994: employees can now save their profit-sharing as credit to be paid out once they reach retirement.


Porträtfoto Geschäftsführer Clemens Keller

The next generation takes over

In 2003 Clemens Keller, nephew of Dr Julius Rohm, takes over the management of the company and is still running the family company in Ulm today as the third owner generation. He is continuing the value-based management style that has been followed for generations, focusing on top-quality products, strong employee loyalty and equal partnerships with suppliers as the key success factors.


Ansicht Seeberger Hochregallager und Bürogebäude

Investment in the future

The biggest single investment in the history of the Seeberger Group provides additional office space, a new high-tech lab and a modern high-bay warehouse with around 25,000 pallet bays.


Brunnen wird von mehreren Menschen auf Plateau gehoben

Sustainability is a tradition here

Sustainability has been guiding corporate decisions for many generations. Social and ecological responsibility are firmly anchored in the corporate values. Because sustainability should and also can be measurable, since 2013 the company has been publishing a detailed Sustainability Report, which transparently illustrates where the company stands and what it wants to achieve.


Zwei Personen in Meetingsituation mit Tablet

Seeberger Professional is founded

Seeberger Professional GmbH was founded to offer corporate customers and restaurateurs better concept solutions. A broad range of luxury products, innovative payment systems and comprehensive services and technical support are now available from one source for offices, production sites, restaurants and cafés. Everything in the familiar Seeberger top quality.


Café Theke mit  Siebträgermaschine und Kuchenauswahl

Everything under one roof

The Seeberger Genusswelt is a place where you can experience the entire Seeberger brand world. From the Shop, where you can buy all Seeberger products, to the company’s own Café and Restaurant and conference, training and meeting rooms.