Press release

After the end of the 2023 financial year, the Seeberger Group can look back on the year with satisfaction overall. The manufacturer of luxury products such as nuts, dried fruit and coffee was able to achieve sales growth of 7% across all divisions despite consumer restraint in Germany.

„2023 will be remembered as another year of crisis for the global economy. Against this backdrop, we can be satisfied with the result for the financial year. “

Clemens Keller, managing partner of the family business

Overall, the Seeberger Group was able to increase its turnover compared to the previous year to around 314 million euros. With strong double-digit growth, the Professional division and its customer growth were the main contributors to this. The Consumer division, with its healthy and natural snacks, fell slightly short of expectations in 2023, particularly in Germany, due to consumers’ reduced purchasing power for branded products. By contrast, the coffee segment in the food service and vending sectors and the Seeberger Genusswelt, which has established itself as a real institution in Ulm, developed positively. In 2024, strong advertising measures such as the current Thomas Müller campaign and an innovation offensive significantly increased demand again, meaning that Seeberger is once again aiming for growth of 7% to total Group sales of around EUR 335 million.

The Seeberger Group combines three business areas under one roof

As a strong brand, Seeberger is established in the international and national food trade with a diverse range of natural snacks. The range is extremely diverse and varied. These include mangoes and cashews from Africa, almonds from Australia and exotic fruits such as pineapple and ginger. But also roasted specialties from our own roastery and high-energy trail mixes and numerous blends. As a specialist for coffee specialties, the Professional division focuses primarily on corporate customers, restaurants and bakeries. With a range of manufacturer-independent advice on various coffee machines through to vending solutions with its own service and operating team, Seeberger Professional offers a complete service. This includes complex payment systems through to cash register connections as well as micro market solutions.

Finally, the Seeberger Genusswelt in Ulm brings the tasty world of Seeberger to life in all its diversity as a unique indulgence concept.

Currently, a fluctuating supply of raw materials due to climate change-related crop failures, international transport crises in sea freight traffic and the positive surge in demand in the first and second quarters of 2024 are causing enormous additional costs and bottlenecks in logistics and goods supply. Seeberger is therefore increasingly looking for new employees and already planned investments in logistics and production at the site are being brought forward. Among other things, the ground-breaking ceremony for another high-bay warehouse with around 20,000 pallet spaces will take place in fall 2024 and will go into operation at the beginning of 2026.

Erweiterung Nuss-Rösterei

Ambitious and sustainable into the future

Seeberger believes it is well equipped for the coming years. The family business attaches great importance to continuously positioning itself for the future and developing further. This is also reflected in the area of sustainability: the focus here is on the massive expansion of the company’s own photovoltaic systems. This will make an important contribution to achieving climate targets. The management is optimistic: “As a family business, we are focused on the long term and are consistently pursuing our international brand strategy. We are relying on our innovative strength and the energy and drive of our employees, with whom we will master this path together.”