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Sustainability work awarded EcoVadis silver medal

In order to make our sustainability work even more transparent for our customers, we underwent an independent assessment for the first time in 2023.

Last year we were already able to achieve the bronze award – this year we have improved again and were rewarded with the silver medal! This puts us in the top 15% of the industry.

Silberne Medaille mit der Aufschrift "SILVER | Top 15% EcoVadis Sustainability Rating JUN 2024"

The independent company “EcoVadis” is the publisher of the sustainability rating of the same name and aims to create transparency for sustainability work in supply chains.

This means that companies can use the EcoVadis sustainability rating to view an assessment of their suppliers’ sustainability work.

As part of the certification process, all documents relating to the topics of

  • Environment,
  • Labor and human rights,
  • Ethics and
  • Sustainable procurement

submitted. These are audited by EcoVadis and awarded a corresponding rating and seal.

We achieved the highest scores in the areas of “Sustainable procurement” and “Environment”. Thanks to the introduction of new guidelines, the implementation of further measures and the publication of additional reports, we were once again able to significantly increase our overall score.

We are delighted to have received this prestigious award, which successfully demonstrates our diverse sustainability activities!