Issue*Please choose an areaGeneral enquiryBusiness customersSupplier of ...Online ShoppingProduct queriesComplaintSponsoring and cooperation
Business customer area*Please choose a specification...Professional (Hotel, catering and corporate clients)Trade (B2B)
Specification*Please choose a specification...FoodNon-FoodPackaging
SalutationPlease choose a salutation...MsMrMx
First name*
Last name*
Company website
Product name*Please provide us with the exact product name on the front side of the packaging, e.g. “Cashew Nuts” or “Roasted, Salted Cashew Nuts”.
Minimum durability date
Batch codeDiesenThis is located on the left-hand side next to the data-matrix code (L number).
Production codeThese small print codes can be found underneath the use-by date and the batch code.
Package size
Location of purchasePlease give the name of the store and the location where you acquired the product in question (e.g. E-Center, Nuremberg or Seeberger, Online Shop).
Reason of complaint *
Upload file (jpg, pdf, doc)If you have a photograph of the article in question, you can upload it here. Max. 5 MB.
Do you still have the goods?Please chooseYesNo
Salutation *Please choose a salutation...MsMrMx
First Name *
Last Name *
Street and number *
Postal Code* The postal code helps us to find the right contact person for you
Place *
Country *
Phone Number
E-mail *
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