Lächelnde Mitarbeitende in einer Reihe stehend

Together for a strong community

Our commitment to a strong community in our company

A strong community built on our corporate values has always been a matter of the heart for us. Our goal is to create an environment that is humane and responsible. At Seeberger, we work together to create a community of mutual support. This focus strengthens our adaptability and flexibility, enabling us to sustain our growth and progress – from developing and establishing sophisticated working models to pushing ahead with the digitisation and modernisation of our company.

Our goals by 2025

Icon zu Seeberger Family: 3 Mitarbeitende mit darüberstehendem Herz mit Seeberger Blättchen

Continue to expand our “Seeberger Family” employee programme

Icon zu New Work: Mitarbeiterin am Laptop, Smartphone und Wlan Symbol

Expand “New Work” for better networking and cooperation

Icon zu New Leadership: Führungskraft mit Sprechblase und zwei Mitarbeitende

Establish a modern “New Leadership” management culture

Community milestones – achievements so far

Icon zu Vereinbarkeit

In 2019, we extended our Seeberger Family programme with a comprehensive concept to reconcile work and caring; expanded our compliance management system to include corruption and whistle-blowing; and introduced a business team organisation for each division.


In 2020/2021, we reviewed and adapted our code of conduct; continued to expand our leadership competence in ongoing workshops; 30 % of participants in our junior staff development programme took on more senior duties, and a further 50 % expanded their area of responsibility within their respective positions; and we certified our compliance management system.

Icon mit Basketball und Fitnessgerät

In 2022/2023, additional options were added to the Seeberger Family programme (e.g. EGYM Wellpass for corporate fitness). The focus was on creating options that can be used by all employees of the Seeberger Group regardless of location.

Zwei Fahrradfahrer auf Fahrradweg

Our Seeberger Family employee programme

As a family company, we particularly value an environment in which appreciation and respect are practised. Work-life balance is not just a phrase for us, but something we actively put into practice. Our “Seeberger Family” programme provides our employees with a wide variety of benefits, such as childcare places, support for family carers, sport and massage resources, healthcare and pension schemes, and a range of team-building activities.

Go to our employee programme

Icon zu Mitarbeitenden-Beteiligung: 3 Mitarbeitende mit darüberstehendem Balkendiagramm und aufsteigendem Pfeil

Employee participation at Seeberger

It’s about more than just work for us – it’s about genuine participation. We actively involve our employees in shaping the company and allow them to participate in the company’s success. Thanks to our employee participation model, everyone benefits from a profit-based bonus and an attractive rate of interest on the capital. This not only rewards their dedication, but is also a great opportunity for long-term wealth building.

Seeberger whistle-blower system

Laws, rules and guidelines are not just words for us. Our goal is always to act responsibly and to identify and address potential violations early on. That’s how we ensure that errors are resolved quickly. Thanks to our whistle-blower system, anyone can anonymously and easily report any incidents directly to our compliance officer.

To the whistle-blower system