The best of nature –
Since 1844

Welcome to the
Seeberger Group

There is a piece of nature in every Seeberger product. Our promise: the best of nature. Since 1844, we at the Seeberger Group have been giving our all to ensure this remains the case and our customers can enjoy nuts, dried fruits and coffee of the highest quality from all over the world.

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The Seeberger brands

What unites the Seeberger brands is our insistence on the highest quality. We work passionately every day to make every product and every part of our family company just that little bit better.

Zwei junge Männer liegen im Gras und snacken Seeberger Mangos

Seeberger Snacks

Whether natural or refined, sweet or salty, Dried Mango Strips or Almond-Cranberry Mix – we supply the best snacks from nature.

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Mitarbeiter füllt Kaffeebohnen in Packung vor großem Kaffeeröster

Seeberger Professional

From snack machines in businesses to portafilter machines and fully automated makers in restaurants or offices: we supply sustainable pleasure for companies across Germany including a broad range of services.

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Frühstückstisch mit Cappucino, Smoothie und Etagere mit Brötchen und Aufstrichen

Seeberger Genusswelt

The entire Seeberger brand world under one roof at our site in Ulm: in our shop, restaurant, café and in the event, training and conference rooms, pleasure has a home.

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Sustainability at Seeberger

We take responsibility. For the Earth our products come from, for the people in source countries and for our employees. Our goal: to keep Earth liveable for future generations.

Ausgestreckte Hand mit darüberstehender Weltkugel