In addition to the awards for retailers, personalities and industrial companies, the Golden Sugar Loaf Foundation also awards so-called sponsorship prizes to ten young talents from the food industry every year.
We are particularly pleased with and for our colleague Julia Herrmann from the HR department, who received this special award this year. Congratulations!
The award is an expression of the special commitment of the award winners, who have made a special effort in and for the food industry and want to continue their education. The award also comes with prize money, which the winners must invest in a personal training program. Prerequisites for participation are a completed apprenticeship or degree, membership of the food sector (retail or industry) and a maximum age of 29 years.
Find out more here: Golden Sugarloaf Foundation

Before the award ceremony, we spoke to our colleague and prizewinner Julia Herrmann:
Seeberger: Julia, congratulations on this great award! How did this come about?
Julia: Thank you very much, I also feel very honored that I was chosen. Basically, the “Golden Sugar Loaf” Foundation writes to the companies as employers with the general conditions for this sponsorship award. At Seeberger, the managers then checked which junior employees they would like to propose for this and clarified in individual discussions whether he or she could also imagine participating.
Seeberger: Did you have to be convinced or did you realize straight away that you wanted to take part?
Julia: I was already familiar with the “Golden Sugar Loaf” from our internal reporting last year. I had been toying with the idea of training as a systemic organizational developer for some time. I was therefore delighted that my manager encouraged me to submit my application for the award. The training started in September and runs until April 2024.
Seeberger: In your opinion, what tipped the scales in your favor?
Julia: I think that I have developed well since I started here at Seeberger in fall 2021 as a personnel officer and was able to take on responsibility as an HR Business Partner in spring 2022. I want to accompany change processes in a targeted and professional manner and that suits Seeberger very well.
Seeberger: In what way, or can you explain that to us?
Julia: As a dynamically growing company, Seeberger has changed time and again and must continue to do so throughout the organization in order to remain successful. I try to play my part as best I can by keeping an eye on the big picture and taking a strategic approach to the issues. I am really pleased that Seeberger has given me such great support in my development. I think that’s really something special.
Seeberger: Thank you very much for the interview, congratulations again and enjoy the two extraordinary days in Berlin!