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Seeberger: Medium-sized company with a vision for future generations

From exemplary mango picking to sustainable packaging

For us, sustainability means acting to ensure that future generations can live on a healthy planet and that Seeberger quality remains consistent. We’re convinced that we can play a part. Our Sustainability Strategy comprises four core themes that are closely interlinked. It’s about how we act and about doing our best for people and nature every day.

Our action fields within the Sustainability Strategy

Icon, das eine Seeberger Verpackung vor einem Kreislaufsymbol darstellt.
Circular economy

We are guided by the principle of nature. There is no waste there: just a natural cycle with everything reused. It is our responsibility to handle resources carefully. That’s why, at Seeberger, we’re working on sustainable packaging solutions and many other measures to optimise our processes in line with the circular economy.

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Icon, das ein LKW mit dem Seeberger Logo vor einem grünen Globus darstellt.
Supply chain responsibility

It’s important to us that we know the precise origin of our products and take responsibility along the entire value-added chain. At Seeberger, best quality is consistent with a respectful approach to people and nature. At home in Ulm, but also in the source countries of nuts, fruits and coffee.

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Icon, das ein Windkraftrad in Bewegung neben einem grünen Thermometer darstellt.
Climate protection

Climate change is already having an impact on the cultivation of our natural products. Our task? To reduce our carbon footprint. With the Seeberger climate footprint, we’re laying the groundwork to optimise our supply chain in terms of climate protection.

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Icon, das drei Personen unter einer Sprechblase mit dem Seeberger Logo darstellt.

Our strong community is at the heart of what we do. We provide a work environment in which every employee feels seen and valued. Through mutual respect and encouraging individual strengths, together we contribute to a positive and supportive work environment.

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Seeberger sustainability reports

From responsible cultivation of nuts, fruits and coffee to sustainable packaging: discover how we’re converting ambitions into concrete measures.

The cover picture of the Sustainability Report. The Seeberger logo can be seen at the top right. At the bottom left is a picture of a blossoming tree

Seeberger Sustainability Report 2022 | 2023

Seeberger Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2020/2021

Seeberger Sustainability Report 2020/2021

Seeberger Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2018/2019

Seeberger Sustainability Report 2018 | 2019

Seeberger Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2016/2017

Seeberger Sustainability Report 2016 | 2017

Seeberger Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2014/2015

Seeberger Sustainability Report 2014 | 2015


Seeberger reporting follows the strict guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).. By participating in the UN Global Compact, Seeberger has been supporting the ten universal principles for human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption since 2015. It is the United Nations global sustainability initiative.

Since 2016/2017, our reporting has also been based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) is a specialised agency of the United Nations. Especially in its core conventions, it formulates international labour and social standards to ensure social justice for a fair globalisation and decent work. This is seen as a central prerequisite in combating poverty. The ILO Standards are the basis of the Seeberger Conditions of Purchase.

Ast mit Mandelblüten und Biene

Sustainability initiatives at Seeberger

The complexity of global challenges requires joint efforts. That’s why we take part in joint initiatives within our sustainability fields: the aim of HolyGrail is to improve recycling with digital labels, while with BioVal we’re working to integrate biodiversity protection into supply chains.

Seeberger whistle-blower system

For us, compliance with rules, guidelines and statutory and voluntary obligations is an integral part of behaving responsibly. Our whistle-blower system allows everyone to report rule violations and issues anonymously. This means we can identify wrongdoing and potential violations early on and address them directly.

To the whistle-blower system